Md Mahim Anjum Haque

I am actively looking for full-time opportunities in a machine learning and software engineering roles

About Me

Hi, I am Mahim. I am a Full-Stack Machine Learning expert with a Master's degree in Computer Science Graduating May 2023. I created industry-standard deep learning tools and deployed them using Docker and Kubernetes. I also Published in top-tier conferences Like ICSE, ACL, IST, HORA. Last summer I also interned at Xerox, Palo Alto Research Center(PARC), where I developed state-of-the-art patent pending drug screening models. Before that I also created a reviewer ranking system based on review comment sentiment analysis with samsung research and deployed it to their server as their daily used internal tool. I am Skilled in Python, C++, Java, Distributed training of deep learning models using Pytorch, Tensorflow, Keras etc. I am also a competitive programmer by passion. I represented Virginia Tech in ACM ICPC 2022 USA Mid Atlantic Regionals and achieved a rank in Top 30. I participated in 3 regional ICPC contests( with top 10% ranking) and created problems for multiple NCPC contests. I also participate regularly in codeforces, leetcode contests and I have solved more than 2 thousand problems in various coding platforms online and offline. I also maintain a blog for all my interesting solves. These experiences have provided me with a strong understanding of Full stack software engineering and machine learning algorithms and techniques, and I am confident that I would be able to apply my skills to the challenges I face in my future positions.


Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)

at Virginia Polytechnique Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, VA

August 2021 - Present
  • Mentored and Instructed Students in Machine Learning fundamentals and Deep learning tools like Keras and TensorFlow for a class of 100+ students.
  • Instructed students with coursework in Android App Development software design, data structures for a class of 80+ students entirely in Kotlin.
  • Mentored students with coursework in software design, data structures, and algorithms for a class of 500+ students entirely in Java.
  • Helped students with coursework in problem-solving, data structures, and data mining for a class of 400+ students entirely in CPP, Java, and python.

Research Scientist Intern

at Xerox, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Palo Alto, CA

May 2022 - Aug 2022
  • Developed a Visual Framework to Evaluate Explanation Methods for Graph Neural Network based Drug Screening Models (Patent Pending). Which is being used for discovering new drugs with specific properties.


at Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Aug 2016 - Jul 2018
  • Served as a mentor for engineering students and an advisor of the University Robotics Club.

Research Assistant

at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Nov 2019 - Aug 2021
  • Under the supervision of Dr. Rifat Shahriar, at the Department of CSE, BUET. Published research on Neural code search, Code Summarization, Language Models ,and applications with ICT Bangladesh.
  • under supervision of Dr. Anindya Iqbal Published paper on Bug fixing and review comment usefulness in collaboration with Samsung Research Bangladesh (SRBD)
  • Founded the BUET CSE NLP group.

Software Engineer

at Samsung Research Bangladesh (SRBD), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Jan 2020 - Apr 2021
  • Created review comment usefulness ranking web app in collaboration with Samsung Research Bangladesh (SRBD).
  • Built the complete CI/CD Pipeline with Github acions and Docker to trigger deployed REST API.
  • Wrote a cron job and bash scripts to collect review comments and store them on mysql server reducing workload by 20hr/wk.

Jr. Software Engineer

at Reve Systems, Dhaka, Bangladesh

May 2019 - Oct 2019
  • Solved the problem of data scarcity by Crawling, parsing and translating huge amounts of text data and built a Bengali grammatical and spell error detection and correction model using SOTA LM.
  • Built Bangla ASR system with Kaldi, ESPnet and Speech Brain With MFCC, Power Spectrum for Speech Recognition.
  • Built a face recognition attendance system for this company for automatic employee attendance using FaceNet, Keras OpenFace and Dlib merged the encoding for best performance with 0.04% miss.

Machine Learning Team Leader

at Pioneer Alpha, Dhaka, Bangladesh

May 2019 - Present
  • Leveraged AWS S3 to store images and integrated AWS Lamda serverless functionality to trigger API responses.
  • Leading the ML team and Built Multi-lingual chatbot for customer service and served using gRPC.
  • Leveraged Facial recognition, Pose detection models to create REST API’s which is the First SaaS Based AI solution in Bangladesh generating more than 3000$ in revenue per month. Also implemented Wandb for logging system metrics.
  • Created and deployed the website and Flutter Application which earns thousands of dollars in revenue each month.


M.Sc. in Computer Science and Appplications

from Virginia Polytechnique Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)

Completion Year
Expected May 2023
Machine Learning, Automated Software Engineering and Testing
Dr Chris Brown, Professor, Department of CS, Virginia Tech

B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering

from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

Completion Year
April 2022
